Koen de Graaf (Groningen, 1991) onderzoekt in zijn werk de beeldende mogelijkheden vanuit bestaand beeldmateriaal. De afbeeldingen die hij gebruikt vinden hun oorsprong in de fascinaties die hij als kind had, zoals Walt Disney, stripverhalen en kleurplaten, maar bijvoorbeeld ook botanische tekeningen en natuurfotografie. Al dit beeldmateriaal vindt in het werkproces van Koen een weg naar een abstracte en mysterieuze wereld waar heldere kleuren de boventoon voeren, gevolgd door expressieve vormen en ruimte voor beweging. Er wordt gezocht naar een natuurlijke balans tussen deze elementen, waar heldere keuzes worden afgewisseld met impulsieve ingrepen.
Hij beoefent en combineert verschillende technieken zoals lithografie, schilderen en collage, waardoor een verscheidenheid en eigen context ontstaan, waarbinnen zijn fascinaties een plek vinden. Ondanks hun verschillende uitwerkingen gaan zijn werken een sterke connectie met elkaar aan.
Koen de Graaf (Groningen, 1991) researches the possibilities of using existing imagery. Mainly focussing on fascinations from his childhood, he uses subjects like Walt Disney, comics and coloring books, as well as botanical drawings and nature photography. All these images find a way into an abstract and mysterious world where bright colours thrive, followed by expressive shapes and dynamic expressions. Koen seeks a natural balance between all these elements, where clear choices and impulsive interventions alternate each other.
He’s practicing and combining techniques like lithography, painting and collage, which results in a versatile and own context wherein his fascinations find a place. Despite their differences his works show a strong connection between each other.
Koendegraaf1 [at] gmail.com
Curriculum Vitae
Currently living and working in Groningen, NL.
2020- present: Working as technical specialist Lithography, intaglio and RISO at ArtEZ, Zwolle, NL.
2012 - 2016: Academie Minerva, Fine Arts - Groningen
2008 - 2012: Noorderpoort, Art & Design - Groningen
Buning Brongers Prijzen, 2016
Klaas Dijkstra Academieprijs, 2016
Hans Brinker Budget Trophy 2015
Abel Tasman Art Prize, 2010
Kunst en Stad, 2019
DATmag, 2016
GOUDasfalt, Gouda. Solo exhibition for Open Studio Route in the city of Gouda.
SALON, Stichting WEP, Groningen. Group exhibition in Salon-style.
Art Away, Groningen. Group exhibition during Covid-times.
'Moshpit Showcase: Koen de Graaf', Moshpit of Creation, Groningen. Solo exhibition.
Noorderzon Festival, Groningen. in collaboration with CBK Groningen, Wall painting.
De Volmolen Amersfoort. Solo Exhibition
'Inside/Outside Minerva', GRID, Groningen. Group exhibition.
'Salon du Droom&Vreesmann', Oude RKZ, Groningen. Group exhibition.
GRID, Groningen. Group show part of Expoost, art tour in Groningen.
Oude RKZ, Groningen. Solo show.
Ateliercollectie, CBK Groningen. Group show.
Unfinished Business, Grand Theatre, Groningen. Wall painting.
Drawing between the lines, Galerie Bart, Amsterdam. Group show.
Paintings & More, SIGN, Groningen. Group Show.
Groninger Grafiek, Pictura & Atelier Horneman, Groningen. Group Show.
FINALS, exam exhibition Academie Minerva. De oude Suikerfabriek, Groningen.
A Lions Nest, Groningen. Group exhibition, 3 large prints.
Visio, de Brink, Vries. Commisioned wall painting.
Moot Point, de Gym, Groningen. Group Show.
Golden Herring, Academie Minerva, Groningen. One-day solo show curated by Eirik Rønneberg.
Hans Brinker Budget Trophy, Amsterdam. Contest, group show.
Noorderzon festival, Groningen. Group project led by Michel Velt and Tom Dijkstra.
The Holy Mountain, Groningen. Group show.
East Side West Side II, Galerie Pit, Groningen. Group Show.
De Tien Jonge Kunstenaars, Galerie Bart Art Box, Thesinge. Group show.
Kunstruil, Stiching WEP, Groningen. Organised with Joost Wierenga and Eduard Bezembinder.
Catch 22, Royal Gallery, KABK Den Haag. Group Show.
East Side West Side, Sofia, Bulgaria. Group show.
Noorderzon Festival, Groningen. Group Project led by Michel Velt.
Noise in the North, EMG Faktors, Groningen. Group show.
Mixed Grill, Groningen. Group Show.
Flutgraben, Berlin. Group Project.
Solo exhibiton, Galerie Simplon, Groningen
Paradigm Festival, Groningen - Stage design
Solo Exhibition, Rebours Festival, Groningen
Abel Tasman Art Prize, Grootegast.
Hij beoefent en combineert verschillende technieken zoals lithografie, schilderen en collage, waardoor een verscheidenheid en eigen context ontstaan, waarbinnen zijn fascinaties een plek vinden. Ondanks hun verschillende uitwerkingen gaan zijn werken een sterke connectie met elkaar aan.
Koen de Graaf (Groningen, 1991) researches the possibilities of using existing imagery. Mainly focussing on fascinations from his childhood, he uses subjects like Walt Disney, comics and coloring books, as well as botanical drawings and nature photography. All these images find a way into an abstract and mysterious world where bright colours thrive, followed by expressive shapes and dynamic expressions. Koen seeks a natural balance between all these elements, where clear choices and impulsive interventions alternate each other.
He’s practicing and combining techniques like lithography, painting and collage, which results in a versatile and own context wherein his fascinations find a place. Despite their differences his works show a strong connection between each other.
Koendegraaf1 [at] gmail.com
Curriculum Vitae
Currently living and working in Groningen, NL.
2020- present: Working as technical specialist Lithography, intaglio and RISO at ArtEZ, Zwolle, NL.
2012 - 2016: Academie Minerva, Fine Arts - Groningen
2008 - 2012: Noorderpoort, Art & Design - Groningen
Buning Brongers Prijzen, 2016
Klaas Dijkstra Academieprijs, 2016
Hans Brinker Budget Trophy 2015
Abel Tasman Art Prize, 2010
Kunst en Stad, 2019
DATmag, 2016
GOUDasfalt, Gouda. Solo exhibition for Open Studio Route in the city of Gouda.
SALON, Stichting WEP, Groningen. Group exhibition in Salon-style.
Art Away, Groningen. Group exhibition during Covid-times.
'Moshpit Showcase: Koen de Graaf', Moshpit of Creation, Groningen. Solo exhibition.
Noorderzon Festival, Groningen. in collaboration with CBK Groningen, Wall painting.
De Volmolen Amersfoort. Solo Exhibition
'Inside/Outside Minerva', GRID, Groningen. Group exhibition.
'Salon du Droom&Vreesmann', Oude RKZ, Groningen. Group exhibition.
GRID, Groningen. Group show part of Expoost, art tour in Groningen.
Oude RKZ, Groningen. Solo show.
Ateliercollectie, CBK Groningen. Group show.
Unfinished Business, Grand Theatre, Groningen. Wall painting.
Drawing between the lines, Galerie Bart, Amsterdam. Group show.
Paintings & More, SIGN, Groningen. Group Show.
Groninger Grafiek, Pictura & Atelier Horneman, Groningen. Group Show.
FINALS, exam exhibition Academie Minerva. De oude Suikerfabriek, Groningen.
A Lions Nest, Groningen. Group exhibition, 3 large prints.
Visio, de Brink, Vries. Commisioned wall painting.
Moot Point, de Gym, Groningen. Group Show.
Golden Herring, Academie Minerva, Groningen. One-day solo show curated by Eirik Rønneberg.
Hans Brinker Budget Trophy, Amsterdam. Contest, group show.
Noorderzon festival, Groningen. Group project led by Michel Velt and Tom Dijkstra.
The Holy Mountain, Groningen. Group show.
East Side West Side II, Galerie Pit, Groningen. Group Show.
De Tien Jonge Kunstenaars, Galerie Bart Art Box, Thesinge. Group show.
Kunstruil, Stiching WEP, Groningen. Organised with Joost Wierenga and Eduard Bezembinder.
Catch 22, Royal Gallery, KABK Den Haag. Group Show.
East Side West Side, Sofia, Bulgaria. Group show.
Noorderzon Festival, Groningen. Group Project led by Michel Velt.
Noise in the North, EMG Faktors, Groningen. Group show.
Mixed Grill, Groningen. Group Show.
Flutgraben, Berlin. Group Project.
Solo exhibiton, Galerie Simplon, Groningen
Paradigm Festival, Groningen - Stage design
Solo Exhibition, Rebours Festival, Groningen
Abel Tasman Art Prize, Grootegast.